Tuesday, August 22, 2017

#8 Jim Sisko - Guide tones

Pete Bennett submitted ....

Here are the videos from Jim Sisko – Session 8

Sisko Song – Softly;    https://youtu.be/IWJxgFoAFdA

Sisko - Guidetone Presentation     https://youtu.be/LQJY-RPEsVM

Jack Hillman submitted ...

Combo: The group was given an arrangement of Herbie Hancock's Watermelon Man. We listened to the original version as well as the famous recording from the Headhunters album, and worked on combining the two into our own arrangement. 

Bone Class: We worked on our regular warm up routine, as well as learned more about the blues form.

Max Bennett submitted ....
The Joe Henderson combo talked about making some backgrounds for the melody on Night and Day. Keep working on connecting some ideas on bar 9. Professor Dissendadt needs some work on the melody - time is everything. Also, play the blues on the solo section.  We will work on Kyles Blues next time. Please have all the tunes memorized. 

King Dawidalle submitted ...
My combo is narrowing down the two tunes we are going to play for the last gig this summer to perdidio and samba de orfeo. For samba de orfeo we worked on alternate changes that one of our horns will play over during his solo. Dan also brought out a new tune for us to learn called Silver Serenade by Horace Silver. For the shout part he showed us rhythms that the horns and rhythm section play together and we sight read that part with the tune. We will see if everyone is memorizing their tunes. We are still working that out. 

Ken Weller submitted ...
Instead of choosing two new tunes, we decided to stick with our tune "Four" and choose only one new tune. We decided on an unorthodox arrangement that our trombonist Graham Everhart put together. We spent most of our time rehearsing, discussing and tweaking the arrangement that Graham wrote, focusing particularly on the replacement of some chords and melodic lines to make the piece flow/sound better.

Joel Steinke submitted ...
The Sunflower group spent the hour working out our new arrangement by Jai Lasker of Horace Silver's Peace. Next week we will finalize our arrangement of Blues on the Corner. 

As you are probably aware the City of Edmonds is conducting an Economic Impact of Arts and Culture Study, working with Berk Consulting and AdvisArts. One of the things we are doing to collect data is a very brief anonymous survey of community members and visitors. In addition to this online survey there is an online Story Collector where people can share their stories about the importance of arts in their lives.

Congratulations on another Jazz Colony summer – it has been great to hear the performances at the Port!

Frances White Chapin
Arts & Culture Manager
700 Main Street
Edmonds WA 98020

Edmonds ARTS & CULTURE SURVEY for community and visitors:

Are arts and culture part of your family’s experience in Edmonds?
We need to hear from you today!
Whether you live here or not, please take a short online survey that looks at the economic impact of arts and culture in Edmonds and helps the City plan for the future.
The survey is a project of the City of Edmonds, in partnership with a Community Advisory Group. By taking the survey you also have the option of signing up for a drawing for free tickets and local restaurant gift cards. Please share the link with friends and family.

If you have a story or experience to share about the importance of arts in your family or in the Edmonds community please share it through the online Story Collector:  www.surveymonkey.com/r/edstory

Sunday, August 13, 2017

#7 - Mark Taylor

Another great night ... Here's the summary of session #7 for 2017

Mark Taylor - saxophone

Song "Take the Coltrane"   https://youtu.be/ISG9hDbCYIk

Mark Taylor Lecture  part 1:  https://youtu.be/nHxhcs1RZSQ

Mark Taylor Lecture part 2:  https://youtu.be/x9rHlma0tD4

Jack Hillman report ...

Trombone Class: The class reviewed different warm ups including mouthpiece buzzing and false pedals. Then, we talked about different kinds of commonly seen chords and what scales might be used to solo over them.

Combo: The group continued with our Sonny Rollins theme by learning the tune Blues 7 from saxophone Colossus by ear. We also worked on ear training by doing call and response with different members of the group.

Max Bennett report ....

The Joe Henderson combo is thinking about adding an additional tune for the next gig - a bird blues in F. During this last session we worked with Mark on trying to make bar 9 and on of Night and Day sound good. We talked about doing arpeggios in different directions and using approach tones. In bar 12 you can also play F min instead of F diminished. Also, on the bridge you can go play Eb major before the D chord. 
Keep working on connecting those ideas, switching up the feels on solos, and playing good time. 

Ken Weller report .....

We spent this week's session playing through some new tunes, two of which we will decide to play for the second gig at the end of the month.

The tunes we played are:
Take 5.

There Will Never Be Another You

Misty: We'd change the feel to something like RNB or Latin


I Love You: We'd change the feel here too

Lucky Southern

The outlier suggestion was an arrangement of the song, "We Are #1".

Graham had the idea of arranging it, so we may do it.

King Dawidalle report ...

Our Combo worked on a new bossa called Samba de Orfeo and talked about alternate changes that could be used over the Dmin7 and G7 chords. The horns switched parts a few times so that they could have a better understanding of how everyone's part fits together.  We also took this concept and applied it to the F blues. During the session with Mark Taylor, we learned that when you know a blues melody inside out, you can make it sound more musical by playing with the rhythms. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

#6 - Michael Glynn

Pete … Man on the Street says ..

Session 6 was good.  Michael Glynn Song with Greenblatt and Nelda:  https://youtu.be/GTTKFsxjXoo

and Michael’s presentation was good:  https://youtu.be/NzRK-mnI9p8

Seajazz was good too.  All Groups played great and the weather was great!  I have some photos and clips later….

Kyle Gaul's update for Perdido Combo 

Tonight we ran the arrangement of Perdido all the way through. Oh boy, it's really coming together! The solos are sounding great. Keep reviewing the Harmonic Minor Scales (turn back to ii). Strive to keep solos aurally engaging by not starting phrases on the root of the chord. Solos are not meant to be impressive, rather expressive--Keep it simple! We're all guilty of playing too many notes, so let's make an effort to keep our solos tasteful and meaningful! We played Cattin' and figured out some backgrounds (#1 & #2). To end the session Dan taught us his contrafact of Blue Bossa by ear; we'll work on this more in later sessions... in the meantime soak those reeds, oil those valves, grease those slides and get ready to heat the audience with our FIRE!

Real McCoy combo - follow up to session #6 and first concert (summary by Dylan Allrud-Faltisco)


Good job last Wednesday everybody!! I had fun directing the performance. I've seen a lot of growth and inspiration in all of us and I'm proud to be involved. 


Tempo is dragging on Work Song especially. Drums and bass need to stay in the pocket, while horns need to keep those hits tight and on time.

Drum solo - needs to cue in the head- melody on toms or rhythm of melody around the kit. You can do bring in parts of the melody in other parts of the solo too.

Rest of the soloists - Making a concise single-chorus solo is a good skill, but we can take our time to really branch out each solo. We're all here to explore improvisation. We’ve been doing a good job keeping it simple and putting space between our phrases. Just take all the time you need during rehearsal because the solo is your oyster right now!


Rhythm section's time was much better at the show, good job!

Drum solo - simplify on your solo, at least for now, so we can stabilize the time. The tempo tends to slow down during and after your solo. For now, stick to the 8th note grid and get really comfortable in the pocket there. Then you can bring up the heat in the future as long as the time won’t drag. 

Rest of the soloists - We did a good job bringing the melody into our solos. I have the same advice for solos on this song as I did for Work Song. I would just emphasize the importance of building your solo up and exploring where you can take it. This song has a shorter and more simple progression so it needs dynamic and exciting solos even more.