Latest Videos from JC Colony Session 8 - thanks to the Fisher's for the wonderful Chili Feed!
From Session 8 with Clif Swiggett
Clif Bio - here
2. JC 2016 Session 8 – Clif Swiget Presentation –
3. JC 2016 Session 8 – Clif Swiget Presentation –
4. JC 2016 Session 8 – Clif Swiget Presentation –
5. JC 2016 Session 8 – Clif Swiget Presentation -
August 24th - 2017
CPM and EWHS Parents will want to bring:
1. Their own Chairs.
2. Their own drinks (could get hot)
3. Bring their Friends or those who like Jazz.
All Jazz Colony Students arrive by 4:30 and plan to stay for the whole event. Volunteers providing instruments including Drums, Amps, Bass, etc arrive by 3:30 to get everything set. You will be thanked with a dinner certificate for Anthony's Beach Cafe.
4:30 - 5:15-- CPM Group with Steve Treseler director
5:30 - EWHS Combo Groups: (each group about 20 plus minutes)
1. 5:30 -- Carnival Combo -- Leader Gordon Tibbits - 2-3 songs
2. 5:50 -- Highlife Combo -- Leader Tim Carey/Jory Tindall/Dan Chappelle - 2-3 songs
3. 6:20 -- Pros/College Play -- Tim, Jory, Dan, Steve, Gordon, Michael, Jake
1-2 songs.....
Student performers eat pizza while listening to pros.... about 6:20 - 6:45
4. 6:50 -- Motian Sickness -- Leader Shawn Schloegal and Max Bennett -- 2-3 songs
5. 7: 15 -- Straight Life -- Leader Michael Glynn - Nathan James -- 2-3 songs...
6. 7: 40 -- Full House -- Leader Jake Bergevin